What Drives Us?

It’s time for the model leaders to rise. It’s time to Make Your Marque.


To coach and support leaders who not only want to make a difference but who want to remain relevant and future-proof in a rapidly changing world. 


We partner with a global movement for transformation. Our ‘Remarqueable Leaders’ are visionary leaders who equip and empower people to go beyond what seems visibly possible.


Values are the soul of leadership itself. – John C Maxwell

Values shape every decision and are the foundation of an organisation’s vision, mission and culture. Our business values are:

  • Service
  • Respect
  • Empathy
  • Integrity
  • Harmony

We are mindful to promote these in everything we do.

Consider booking a values workshop before undertaking any change process.


We are people of value who value others and want to add value to them.

Our ‘Grower’s Charter’ is inspired by George Bernard Shaw, as quoted by John C Maxwell in his ‘Law of Contribution’:

  • a sense of purpose that extends outwards towards the world
  • knowing the real value and purpose of work
  • being a force of nature that is intentional and unstoppable
  • rejoicing in life for its own sake
  • leaving a positive imprint on our world
  • belonging to the whole community
  • serving others by whatever means we are able
  • creating a spiritual as well as a material legacy
  • being torches that burn brightly for others

“Within every organisation in need of change, there is a group of insiders who are keenly aware of the transformations that need to take place… But day after day they go about their work resigned to the notion that nothing will change… They don’t lack insight into what needs to happen; they simply lack the courage to do anything about it.” ~ Andy Stanley

Don’t be that leader. Make Your Marque.