Team Values Workshops

If you’ve lost sight of your values, or you are compromising them, you will also compromise your ability to effectively lead your team. Our values determine those of the people we lead, informing our followers of the behaviour that is expected of them.

There is nothing more motivating than seeing a manager embody their values. When an anomaly exists between what is said and what is done, the brain has to choose which to believe. It will invariably choose what it sees because a visual signal is more powerful.

If you struggle to achieve the best performance from your direct reports, it could be that they’re reflecting back at you the behaviour, values and work ethic you model for them.

I will engage you and your team in a Values Workshop that will promote a helpful and harmonious working environment. It will encourage you to feel invested and accountable to doing the best you can, to uphold team values and agree on a way to constructively correct team members when they lapse. When a team sees their leader/manager model humility, a willingness to listen and transparency, it has a tremendously positive effect on team mojo.

Values are the cornerstones of positive change and improved performance – private and public sector, admin, sales, finance, customer service, IT, healthcare, education… the list goes on – and if your organisation lacks a set of corporate culture values, this workshop will help to define one.

Improvement is a click away, so contact me to book a workshop today.

By inculcating values, management teams are able to influence decisions, whether hiring decisions, customer engagement decisions or product decisions. Values reaffirm attitudes which influence actions. ~ Tomasz Tunguz, Partner at Redpoint Ventures (Twitter