Personal Growth

Detective DeerstalkerA journey to self-discovery which will guide you to greater self-awareness, a sense of purpose and your “sweet spot” – the place where your passion collides with your strengths.

Choose from:

  • Transformative Coaching
  • Online Group Masterminds
  • Leadership Bootcamp

The word “leader” has its root in the Old English “læden” which means “to guide or bring forth”. I love the idea of “bringing forth”. It sums up what I do – bringing forth what’s hidden within you, the treasure obscured from view.

I’m equipped to resource people from all walks of life, at all ages and stages – organisational leaders, career climbers, jobseekers, returners to work, graduates – even those serving in ministry.

  • You may be ambitious and hungry to learn how to lead, or a seasoned leader whose skills need reviving.
  • Perhaps you are at a pivotal point in your life – confused, lacking clarity, struggling to find your mojo, identity, purpose and place – and need someone impartial, with no agenda beyond your success, to help you to find your direction.
  • Maybe your confidence has been shaken by people or circumstances and you need a mentor to help you to rebuild it.

A Personal MoJo programme will take you on a rewarding journey. As your tour guide, I will help you to rediscover – or reaffirm – your value, strengths, gifts and direction. Possibilities unfold as you discover your power and potential for significance. Held accountable for putting into practice good intentions, steps turn into strides.

Sparks ignite. Wings take flight. Energy replaces inertia.

I will meet you where you’re at – literally! Virtual training rooms overcome the limitations imposed by physical travel, extending my reach to people in every nation – connectivity permitting (I accommodate most languages through my interpreting partner). The savings I make on travel, I pass on to you in my pricing.

My own journey led me to invest in the training and resources that have equipped me with the tools to transform lives in and out of the workplace. I wish to do precisely this for you, or the recipient of one of our Gift Certificates.