The JMT Culture

The John Maxwell Team Culture is built on the values which form the core of John’s philosophy on leadership and personal development.

A list of the values that comprise the John Maxwell Team DNA
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Culture is one of John’s favourite subjects and our culture forms the bedrock of our team.

  • #JMTDNA is shorthand we use for the JMT Culture. When we add #JMTDNA to our tweets, posts or comments, we are acknowledging behaviour that reflects the culture we share.
  • A clearly defined culture serves as a roadmap for our organisation. It helps to define boundaries – what is accepted and what isn’t.
  • We are well-versed in our culture. As well as receiving regular teaching on it, it is made accessible to us and we can download it. This encourages us to frequently review it. We become so familiar with our culture that living its values becomes second nature to us.
  • It affords us with a sense of community, even though we are 20,000+ strong and spread across the globe with members in every country. We speak many different languages and our cultures may sometimes be polar opposites, but we speak the common language of the JMT. Our actions speak louder than our words when people see we are living it out.
  • It gives us a sense of ownership and pride. This is my organisation. This is my culture. We strive to be the best ambassadors we can be because we buy into our culture.
  • It reminds us of the values we are expected to model at home and at work, to colleagues, clients, friends and family.
  • Seeing our culture modelled by our leaders, and experiencing the impact it has on us, inspires and incentivises us to do the same for others.

If you don’t have such a document for your organisation, then I strongly recommend that you create one and roll it out to your entire workforce. If you don’t know where to start, or if you’ve dusted off an old one from an HR file that’s seen better days and bears no resemblance to your organisation’s current vision, I can help!

Ask for details of my Culture Values Workshops and Roundtables.