MoJo Masterminds for Teams

Masterminds promote a challenging, intensive yet highly rewarding environment for cultivating growth.

I deliver programmes that will help you and your team colleagues to:

  • develop your influence with those around you
  • grow and really stretch yourselves for better performance
  • better connect to, and engage with people at all levels, including your customers, clients and each other
  • achieve a work-life balance that promotes perspective and wellness, both mental and physical

Each mastermind session lasts for up to 90 minutes. I try to keep the maximum number of participants to 10 so that everyone has chance to contribute, but I can accommodate 2-3 more if required.

Your team needs to be committed to expanding in a specific direction, to sharing ideas and to being held accountable for their transformational journey. Sessions end with individual commitment to applying the principle(s) learned and to reporting the results the following week, thus bridging the gap between knowing and doing.

I recommend this excellent post on the mastermind experience, which has been written by my JMT colleague, Joyce Kaduki.

Please feel free to contact me for a confidential, free consultation.